Christmas Letter from the Pastor


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The season of hope and joy is upon us!

The birth of a child is the best proof of God’s love. Every time a human being comes into this world, the creative power of God manifests itself and makes man His partner, manifesting how much He honors and esteems humanity.
The supreme expression of the divine love is none other than the human birth of God’s son. “God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him has eternal life,” Jesus Himself told Nicodemus who was reluctant to believe that a man, condemned for sin, could be born again and become the son of God. Such is the great love of the Creator towards His creatures! Jesus treats us as partners, friends, brothers and sisters. He would not be happy to see us condemned to unhappiness and condemnation.

Jesus said: “I have come to the world so that men have life and have it abundantly.” So giving us life is the first purpose for which Jesus came into the world. The second purpose was that the life promised by Christ is a source of joy and hope. By His coming, the promise of our salvation has been achieved: we have been delivered from the slavery of sin. We are now children of God and we will therefore never wander in darkness but in the source of Light: Jesus Himself.

He is also a source of hope, because we know that in Jesus our life has meaning and a goal. We know that our sufferings and hardships will one day be crowned by victory. “Without me you cannot do anything.”

Let the joy of Christmas penetrate our hearts and souls, so we may change our lives to become peacemakers, love others as we love ourselves, and love God above all things.
Christmas is about the Glory of God, peace, joy, hope and love.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Fr. Krikor Chahinian Pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Catholic Parish

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